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Home > PortingSubmitting your Porting order

Submitting your Porting order

Moving a phone number to RingCentral? Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure your number transfer goes smoothly.

Portability Check
Submit Order (Local)
Submit Order (Toll-Free)
Project Port
Port Out


Moving a phone number to RingCentral? Here are the basic things you need to know to ensure your number transfer goes smoothly.

For the transfer of more than 100 numbers to RingCentral from the same carrier, please see the Project Port section for details as we do project-based porting. You can also port your prepaid cell phone number. Be sure to provide your wireless account number and PIN. If you don't have this information, please ask your current cell carrier. 

The cost of negotiating the transfer of your number from your existing phone carrier is shouldered by RingCentral.

The information needed to port your number will be collected during order creation. This includes the number(s) you are porting, your account number (the account number is often different from your wireless phone number), the PIN/passcode on your account (if applicable) and the physical address the numbers are registered under (no PO Boxes).

Some carriers will require a copy of your recent phone bill, or other verification information. If this happens, we'll work with you to provide that information to the carrier and complete the porting process. Once your order is verified, we'll work with your existing carrier to port your number as quickly as possible.

Need help?

The Number Transfer Department can be reached via email at [email protected].

Portability Check

Verify your number's transfer eligibility by using the tool below.

* For MVP customers only.

Local Order Submission Steps

This article provides instructions on how to transfer a local US number to RingCentral via your Admin Portal.

  1. Check your number(s) for portability into RingCentral using the Portability Check option above.
  2. Gather the necessary requirements and information needed to submit the port which include: 
    • number(s) you are porting
    • your account number (the account number is often different from your wireless phone number)
    • the PIN/passcode on your account (if applicable)
    • the physical address the numbers are registered under (no PO Boxes)
  3. From the Quick Access homepage, look for the Phone Numbers category and click the Transfer Numbers link.
Port Submission
  1. Click US or US Territory Number, and click Next.
Number Type
  1. If you are transferring over 20 numbers, you may use the Import Template to the right. If you choose to continue with the step by step process, click the Guide button.
Number Transfer Path
  1. Answer each question on the checklist to ensure that you are ready to sign the LOA (Letter of Authorization) and successfully transfer the number(s).
Number Transfer Pre-Check
  1. Enter the number(s).
Enter Numbers
  1. Review the number(s), then click Next.
Number Review
  1. Map the number(s). Click Select to choose a temporary telephone number or go to the next step to add an additional number.
Number Mapping
  1. Enter account information. Select the type of account and follow the instructions:
    • Name: Person authorized to port from the current provider and the business on file
    • Service: Location where the numbers are registered with the current provider
Account information
Account information
  1. Choose a transfer date. Select your preferred transfer date by clicking on the Calendar icon, then click Next.
    • Choose the requested port date that is within 30 days of port submission.
    • Please note that this date is subject to change as it must be approved by the current provider. Rejections can also delay the process.
Transfer Date
  1.  Enter additional comments and contacts. If none, leave blank.
  • Add contact number
  • Add a single or multiple email address
    • If just the system admin user address is needed, check the box and leave the above blank
  • Add comments
  • Instructions for the current provider
Additional comments and email
  1. Upload a copy of the most recent bill of the number(s) being transferred.
    • Click Upload to locate the file on your computer, and then click Open to upload the file. You have an option to upload the latest bill file later. Just note that this might cause some delay in the order.
Bill Copy Upload
Bill Copy Upload
  1.  Sign the Letter of Authorization. You have 2 options for signing the LOA:
    • eLOA - If you select this option, RingCentral will use the information and electronic signature in the form.
    • Manually - If you select this option, you need to download and sign the LOA manually.

NOTE: You will need a PDF reader to open the LOA file.

Letter of Authorization (LOA)
  1.  Read and/or print the order confirmation, then click Complete.
Order confirmation
  1.  To check your order status, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone NumbersNumber Transfer. You need to be logged in as an administrator to your RingCentral online account.
Order status
Order status

Toll-Free Order Submission Steps

This article provides a step by step guide on how a user can initiate the Number Transfer process for a Toll-Free Number.

  1. Log in to the online account as Administrator.
  2. From the Quick Access homepage, look for the Phone Numbers category and click the Transfer Numbers link.
Port Submission
  1. For US and CAN, please select US or US territory Toll Free Number.
Number Type
  1. Answer the pre-check questions.
    • A copy of the most recent bill of the number(s) being transferred
    • Please be sure to have the copy of the bill (COB) ready to upload during the submission process
Pre-check questions
Pre-check questions
  1. Enter the telephone number(s). Review the number(s) to be transferred and correct, if necessary.
Enter Numbers
Entering Telephone Numbers & Review
  1. Click Select to choose a temporary number or go to the next step to add an additional number.
Mapping numbers
  1. Account confirmation
  • Complete the information in each section
  • Select type of account and follow the instructions
    • Name: Person authorized to port from the current provider and the business on file
    • Service: Location where the numbers are registered with the current provider
Account Information
Account Information
Account Information
  1. Enter additional comments and contacts (if any). If none, leave blank. 
  • Add contact number
  • Add a single or multiple email address
    • If just the system admin user address is needed, check the box and leave the above blank
  • Add comments
  • Instructions for the current provider
Additional Comments & Contacts
  1. Download the Letter of Authorization (LOA).
Download LOA
  1.  Upload the completed LOA and the most recent bill. Please sign the LOA and attach it with your bill to submit the order.
Upload LOA and latest bill
  1. To check your order status, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Number Transfer. You need to be logged in as an administrator to your RingCentral online account.
Order status
Order status

Project Port

Project Porting employs a RingCentral Specialist to coordinate portable numbers to activate on a single desired due date, based on approved criteria. A successful and seamless transfer is dependent on the Customer Admin providing accurate and timely information to meet standard porting timelines.

Note: Every request is subject to review and approval by RingCentral’s Number Transfer Department. Requests not approved for coordination are to be submitted in the Admin Portal. (See Local and Toll-Free Submission Steps)

Project Qualification

Single date coordination of:

  • 100 or more numbers
  • Toll-free and Local numbers

Project Requirements

Please email the below completed requirements to: [email protected].

Project Porting Sheet

  • Confirm the phone numbers are active with the losing provider
  • Separate local and toll-free in separate tabs
  • List the Billing Telephone Number(s) (BTN) for each phone number as listed on the Customer Service Record (CSR) or most recent bill copy
  • Ensure temporary numbers are mapped to every number that will be ported
  • The desired due date must be no later than 30 days from submission

Letter of Authorization (LOA)

  • Fill out the appropriate LOA (Local/Toll-Free) and make sure it is dated and signed by the authorized person to port within 30 days prior to project submission
  • Provide a separate LOA for US Local, US Toll-Free, Canada and different service/ physical addresses
  • Verify that the company name, authorized end user’s name and service/physical address matches the losing provider’s records

Most Recent Bill Copy from The Losing Provider

  • Must be dated within 45 days prior to project submission

CSR(s) from The Losing Provider

  • Highly recommended if they can be obtained prior to submission
  • CSR(s) may not be available or applicable from the losing provider

Project Rules

Approved projects will be assigned to a Project Specialist within 3 business days from request.

The Project Specialist will communicate regular updates to the point of contact.

Order cancellations and Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) changes should be requested no later than 48 hours prior to scheduled FOC as changes are not guaranteed to be honored by the losing provider.

Requests Not Supported

Off-hours activation

  • Outside of normal business hours (8am-5pm PT Mon-Fri, excluding holidays)

Snapbacks (Moving numbers back to the losing provider within 24 hours of the port activation into RingCentral)


  • As an alternative solution, forward calls from the losing provider on a temporary basis
  • Application of this feature is highly discouraged as a temporary port solution as it must be manually removed prior to activation to avoid placing the number(s) out of service

Project/Complex Porting Timeframes and Activation Information

Project Porting takes an average of 21 business days to complete.

  • Project ports may take up to 30 to 45 days as some carriers require longer processing times

Ported Numbers will be added to the account based on Project Port Sheet mapping.

Port activation generally completes between 8-9am PT Mon-Fri, excluding holidays.

  • Desk phones will reboot upon port completion (after active calls are terminated)

The Customer Admin is highly encouraged to confirm numbers are correctly configured in the account and that they are in working condition upon port completion.

  • Issues considered out of scope of Local Number Portability (LNP) will be routed to the appropriate Support channel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why can’t RingCentral figure out what I need from the Carrier?

A:​ RingCentral is dependent on the customer to provide all relevant information regarding their existing account with the losing provider. The customer information with the losing carrier acts much like an ATM PIN number. The carrier will not provide the account information to RingCentral because it provides security for the customer. Although the customer signs a LOA for RingCentral to act on the customer’s behalf, the carrier assumes that RingCentral will have the correct information for security purposes. 

Why do I need to sign an LOA?

A:​ ​An LOA is necessary for RingCentral to have authority to proceed on the customer’s behalf. RingCentral needs to have a signed document indicating the consent of the customer to move their numbers to a RingCentral account.

How long until we receive an update from the carrier after order submittal?

A:​ A response can happen as quickly as 72 hours for a simple domestic port. There are no documented time frames requiring the losing carrier to respond per the FCC for project ports, therefore some carriers can take up to ten business days to respond. Industry average port times for local phone numbers are five business days. Escalations can be initiated after 72 hrs., but it is recommended to follow the industry average of 5 days before submitting this type of request.

Can we submit multiple orders for the same account to port on different days?

A:​ ​The industry supports one open order against an account at a time for most carriers. The recommended approach is to port all numbers under the same BTN at the same time, not in phases. The phased approach will take longer because each order would have to complete/clear the losing providers system before another can be submitted.

What if I cannot obtain a CSR, and/or there is a reseller involved? 

A:​ There are instances when there is not a CSR available. It is important that the customer confirms with their carrier that the information they see on the bill or have in their records is, in fact, what the carrier has in their systems. It is important not to assume that the information is correct. If a reseller is involved, the customer needs the reseller to confirm what the underlying carrier has on record, it can vary greatly from what the customer sees on their bill. Nothing should be assumed, as timelines will be extended significantly if RingCentral needs to clarify informational discrepancies with the customer. Up front information gathering is the most important part of the number transfer process.

Why will it take so long to complete my number transfer? 

A:​ Number transfer timelines are dictated by business rules of the losing carrier within the framework of government regulation. Project port timelines are based on greater quantity and/or complexity of the port request. The losing carrier will require a greater level of validation and back office work related to your port. RingCentral strives to provide a response from the carrier with enough time for the customer to prepare for the day of port, and the timeline indicated allows for us to accomplish a schedule that accounts for the customer.

What should I expect on the day of port? 

A:​ If RingCentral has obtained Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) and a date is set – the NTD heavy lifting is complete. The numbers will move to RingCentral between 8-9am PST on the scheduled date. If customers are utilizing call forwarding to RingCentral temporary numbers, the system will allow current calls to complete and then the phone will reset, and the numbers will be on the RingCentral network – it will be seamless.

Why does RingCentral port between 8 and 9am PST?

A:​ ​RingCentral ports are automated to begin at 8am PST. This port time is chosen to accommodate all time zones. We port all our numbers at one time to reduce risk for the customer. One reason risk is reduced - standardization. The porting specialists know when all the numbers are porting, and any issues can readily be identified. RingCentral wants to avoid having numbers porting at different times of that day, outside of standardization. Porting within business hours also reduces risk for the customer because the customer is assured the best support possible from the losing carrier. If there are porting issues outside of normal business hours, carriers won’t be available for troubleshooting.

Can we snap an order back/what is the snapback process?

A:​ Snapbacks are highly discouraged and should act as a last resort option. There is no way to stop the snapback once initiated. There is no option to snap back just one number on an order, all numbers on the order must be snapped back if the request is initiated. Additionally, Snapbacks are upon approval of the losing provider and not guaranteed. To initiate a snapback, please inform your Porting Specialist working the order for further assistance.

Why do we need a full 3 weeks for Toll-Free and Local coordination?

A:​ The level of complexity to coordinate local and toll-free orders requires a minimum of three weeks. We need to submit and obtain Firm Order Commit (FOC) on the local orders before we submit the toll-free orders. There is no industry-wide process for submitting toll-free orders to port on a specific date. Toll-free numbers will be rejected or released by the losing provider within 72 hours of submission and are subject to translations dropping from the losing provider any time after they are released.

Can we add or remove numbers while the order is processing?

A:​ ​Yes, but it is best to capture all numbers that will be porting prior to first submission. Any changes made after order submission will most likely cause delays in the original timeline. 

My order already has FOC, can we move that port date up, so we can port faster?

A:​ ​Expedites are not recommended and are subject to approval from the losing provider. They are not recommended because upstream processes on the losing providers side may not get notice of the expedite which can cause residual traffic (translations).

Calls are going to my customer's old system after the port is completed, how can I fix it?

A:​ ​Generally, the root cause of this issue is usually that the losing provider has not removed the ported numbers from the routing tables on their end after the port is completed. This issue usually resolves itself within 24 hours. The customer must contact their provider and have the numbers removed from the account if the issue persists after 24 hours.

Template and Form Attachments

Project Port Sheet

Local LOA

Toll-Free LOA


This article lists the various reasons why the number transfer request was rejected by your carrier. 

After submitting a number transfer request, it may take a few days for your current service provider to respond to the request. Depending on the information you provided, they may either accept or reject the request. Listed below are the various reasons why your carrier might reject your number transfer request and the corresponding actions you can perform to address it

Rejected for Hunting

A number transfer application may be rejected because a "Hunting/Hunt group" feature is activated on your account with the current provider. Remove this feature and resubmit your transfer request.

Rejected for Hunting

Line hunting or hunt group is a method of distributing phone calls from a single telephone number to a group of several phone lines. Specifically, it refers to the process or algorithm used to select which line will receive the call.

Hunt groups are supported by some PBX phone systems. Also, some phone companies will provide this feature for a small fee (see also: Centrex). In the tariffs of some telephone companies, one may obtain hunting for free, but forward on busy is a charged service.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Select the number transfer order > click Submit

Rejected for Centrex

A number transfer application may be rejected because a "Centrex" feature is activated on your account with the current provider. Remove this feature and resubmit your transfer request.

Rejected for Centrex

Centrex is a PBX-like service providing switching at the central office instead of at the customer's premises. Typically, the telephone company owns and manages all the communications equipment and software necessary to implement the Centrex service and then sells various services to the customer.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Select the number transfer order > click Submit

Rejected for Partial Port

A number transfer application may be rejected because there are multiple lines associated with your account with your service provider. 

Send a list of all numbers associated with your account to RingCentral through email at [email protected] with the following details:

  • Order ID
  • Instructions
    • I want to keep my remaining lines and service active with my current provider, or
    • I want to disconnect all remaining lines and services including date (if there's one)
  • List - List all your numbers associated with the numbers to be ported. 

NOTE: Partial port is when your provider requires you to address your remaining  lines/numbers and services (Data/T1  service).

Rejected for RingMaster/Distinctive Ring

A number transfer application may be rejected because a "Ring Master" feature is activated on your account with the current provider. Remove this feature and resubmit your transfer request.

Distinctive ring, marketed under a variety of names, is a service offered by a telephone company that establishes additional telephone numbers on the same line as an existing number, each number ringing with a distinctive ringing pattern. Typically, the original number rings with the standard ring pattern that is common to the nation where the line is connected. Regardless of what ringing pattern the called party hears, the calling party hears the standard ringing pattern.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Select the number transfer order > click Submit

Rejected for Multiple or Pending Order

Pending/Open order is an order in progress associated with the number to port or account that has not been posted, completed or cancelled.

It could be due to the following:

  • Ongoing port in request going to another provider
  • Change/update of records (Address, Company name, Authorized name)
  • Upgrade/downgrade of service
  • Added/removed account feature

Contact your service provider to cancel or complete the open order. Ask when it will be posted in their system before re-starting your Porting request. 

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Select the number transfer order > click Submit

Rejected for Number Mismatch

Number mismatch could mean the following:

  • One or more numbers on the list does not match your providers list.
  • The number was typed in error
  • The number belongs to a different account

Contact your service provider or check your current copy of bill and validate the following:

  • Do I have the correct list of numbers?
  • Is the number under the billing telephone or account number correct?

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Select the number transfer order > click Submit

You can send us an email at [email protected].

Rejected for Incorrect Company Name

A number transfer application may be rejected because the name of the account holder (Company name for business accounts) does not match the name provided.

Contact your service provider or check your current copy of the bill and validate if the correct company name is in the order. Edit your request, enter the correct name in the highlighted field, and then click on the "Submit" button to resubmit your Transfer Request.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejected for Illegible or Incomplete Document

A number transfer application may be rejected because the attached Letter of Authorization was not signed, filled out, or the writing was illegible. 

Download the LOA from your account, fill it, sign, and upload so that the Number Transfer request could be resubmitted.

To ResubmitAdmin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Upload LOA

Rejected for Unauthorized Name/Signer

A number transfer application may be rejected because the person listed on the request is not authorized to initiate a number transfer with your current service provider.

Contact your service provider and validate the name listed in their system to make changes. If the name is different from the original order,

  • Local Number: Edit request > enter the name of the authorized person in the highlighted field > Click Submit.
  • Toll-Free number: an updated Signed Letter of Agency is required

Rejected for No Attached LOA and Copy of Bill (COB)

A number transfer application may be rejected because your current service provider requires an attached LOA, and a recent copy of your bill. Upload a fully filled out LOA and a recent copy of your bill not more than 45 days old.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Upload CoB and Upload LOA

Rejected for Incorrect PIN or PIN is Required

A number transfer application may be rejected because the PIN you provided does not match the number on file with your current service provider, or you didn't provide one. 

PIN (Personal Identifier Number): You can get this number from your service provider. This is required if you are transferring mobile numbers. PIN can also be your account Passcode or Password that you set up with your provider.

Contact your service provider and validate if you have the correct PIN, Passcode, or Password. We highly recommend setting up a new PIN (for mobile numbers only) if you get this type of rejection.

Check the PIN number associated with the number you are porting, edit the request, and enter the number in the highlighted field.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejected for Incorrect Account Number or Account Number is Required 

A number transfer application may be rejected because the Account Number you provided does not match the number on file with your current service provider, or you didn't provide one.

The Account Number is your service reference number that you get from your provider. This is required if you are transferring mobile numbers. Contact your service provider or check your copy of your bill and validate if you have the correct Account Number.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejected for Account Freeze

A number transfer application may be rejected because your current service provider placed a freeze on the transfer ability of your number. The freeze must be removed from your account in order to complete your Transfer Request. 

Contact your service provider to resolve the issue.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the box that says "I confirm the resolution of the freeze" > Click Submit

Rejected for Address Mismatch

A number transfer application may be rejected because the service address you provided does not match the address on file with your current service provider. 

Contact your service provider and verify the address that they have on file. The address required is the actual state and city where the number is located as porting is based on geographical area code.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejected for Line Disconnected

A number transfer application may be rejected because the number has been disconnected with your service provider. The number must remain active during the transfer process in order for your Transfer Request to be completed.

Reason for this type of rejection:

  • One or more numbers to port is disconnected or has been issued a disconnect order
  • One or more numbers to port is currently unassigned or unable to locate on your provider's billing records.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the box that says "I confirm the resolution of the freeze" > Click Submit

To resolve:

  • Contact your service provider and re-instate the number back to active and working state.
  • Contact your service provider and verify if the number is accounted for under your account.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the box that says "The account was reactivated." > Click Submit

Rejected for Incorrect Billing Telephone Number (Main Number)

A number transfer application may be rejected because the billing telephone number you provided does not match the number on file with your current service provider. Contact your service provider or refer to your copy of your bill and validate if you have the correct NDI.

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejected for Incorrect Reseller Name

A number transfer application may be rejected because your current service provider has a reseller on file that was not listed in your request. Contact your current service provider to obtain the name of the reseller from whom the service provider received the number. You can also refer to the copy of your bill and verify if the provider name is correct.

NOTE: This is required for Canadian Local Numbers. 

To restart your number transfer order, go to Admin Portal > Phone System > Phone Numbers > Transferred and Vanity > Click the three dots next to the Download LOA button > Click Edit > Edit the required information > Click Next till the Edit Wizard is complete

Rejection Due to System Issues

The number transfer request was rejected because a problem has occurred between Systems (Carrier to carrier). No need for you to do anything as this is handled by our Processing team and will reach out to you if additional information is needed.

If you get this notice, please be advised that the process may take longer than usual (additional 5 business days).

Rejection Due to Complex Order

The number transfer request was rejected by your current service provider. Your order requires manual processing due to the complexity of the system where the number is attached to.

No need for you to do anything as this is handled by our Processing team, and will reach out to you if additional information is needed. 

If you get this notice, please be advised that the process may take longer than usual (additional 10 business days).

Porting Out

To transfer your US or Canada phone number(s) from RingCentral to another provider, you need to have a formal port-out request to be initiated by your new provider. The number(s) need to be active with RingCentral before you can make this request.

When requesting for a port out with your new provider, you need the following information:

  • Company name
  • Service address
  • Authorized username (Super Admin)

Note: You need to provide this information to your new provider exactly how it’s listed on your account.

Download your Customer Service Record (CSR)

  1. Navigate to Phone System > Phone Numbers > All Numbers.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Enter Email and click Send.
Download your CSR

If you wish to edit the information provided on the CSR, you may find the values below:

Single site

  1. Log in as an admin to your RingCentral online account.
  2. Navigate to Phone System > Company Info > Company Address.
Single site


  1. Log in as an admin to your RingCentral online account.
  2. Navigate to Phone System > Company Info.
  3. Select the site name.

Checking the authorized username

Contacts in your company with Super Admin roles are authorized to port numbers out of your account.

  1. Log in as an admin to your RingCentral online account.
  2. Navigate to Users > User List > Users with Extensions.
  3. Click the filter icon above the Roles dropdown.
  4. Click Roles and select Super Admin.
Super admin


This article answers the most frequently asked questions for number porting. Before you cancel an account, or simply just wish to move a phone number to, or from RingCentral, this article provides everything you need to know to make the transfer go smoothly.

Porting In

Porting Out


Porting in to RingCentral

1. What does "port my number" mean?

"Porting" simply means transferring your existing landline or cell phone number from one telephone service provider to another.

2. Who owns my phone number?

You own it! We port in your number from your current provider and maintain it. Under the FCC’s Local Number Portability (LNP) rules, you are legally able to keep your number when you move or change phone companies.

3. Is there a porting fee?

The cost of negotiating the transfer of your number from your existing phone carrier is shouldered by RingCentral.

4. What numbers can be ported to RingCentral?

We can port most Toll-Free, wireless and landline phone numbers in the United States. Verify if we can port in your number here.

5. What about porting prepaid cell phones?

Yes. You can port your prepaid cell phone number. All you need is your wireless account number and PIN. If you don't have this information, ask your current cell carrier. If you do not provide this information at the time of port submission, your request will be rejected by the losing carrier.

6. How long will porting take?

Porting will take 5-10 business days. Most wireless numbers will port in 5 business days, landlines will typically port in 7 business days from major carriers, and 10-15 business days from smaller carriers. Don't worry, we'll keep you updated throughout the porting process, and will let you know once we have agreed on a firm porting date with your current carrier. 

To avoid delaying the process, it’s best to initiate the port before you cancel your account with your current provider. You will need to cancel your previous service after your number has been transferred. Transferring your phone number may cause your carrier to automatically cancel. Please check with your current carrier.

7. What information is needed to port my number?

The information needed to port your number will be collected during order creation. That information includes: Account/Company Name, Service Address (No P.O. Boxes), Billing Telephone Number, Authorized User, Account Number, PIN#/Passcode (wireless number). 

Please make sure the information you submit during sign up matches the information your current provider has on file. Any discrepancies can delay the number porting process, including canceling the account.

8. When should I cancel my existing service?

Your service must remain active with your current provider throughout the number porting process. You will be notified by RingCentral once your number has successfully transferred and you will be able to cancel your service with your current provider at that time. RingCentral does not cancel your service on your behalf.

9. Does RingCentral cancel my previous service after the number transfers?

No. RingCentral does not cancel your previous service. You will need to cancel your previous service after your number has transferred. Transferring your phone number may cause your carrier to automatically cancel. Check with your current carrier.

10. Will my existing service work during the porting process?

Your existing service will work as is during the porting process as long as you do not make any account changes. 

11. Can I transfer multiple numbers to RingCentral or do a bulk port? 

You may start the transfer of as many numbers as you wish from within your account. If you plan on transferring 100 or more numbers in one submission to RingCentral from the same carrier, let us know here as we do project-based porting.

12. How do I check the status of my current number transfer?

Once you have completed your request online, you will be able to see the status of your request in the Number Transfer tab under Phone Numbers. 

13. How will I know if there's a problem with my number transfer?

If a rejection is sent, it will be shown in the Order Details section of your portal. Instructions on how to correct the rejection will be available within the Order Details or the rejection email sent.

Some rejection reasons are lengthy, thus they are sent via email.

Details on the issue and how to resolve it will be available in this section. For more information, please review the Rejections section.

14. When will my number be transferred?

RingCentral will email when the requested date has been confirmed. You may also check the confirmed date in the portal in the Number Transfer tab under Phone Numbers.

15. What time will my numbers activate?

Number(s) are activated between 8-9am PST Monday to Friday on the confirmed date of transfer.

16. What letter will RingCentral utilize to transfer my telephone number from my current service provider?

A Letter of Authorization is a form that authorizes RingCentral on your behalf to port your numbers from your current provider. When submitting a number transfer request in your online account, a digitally signed eLOA will be utilized by RingCentral. You will also have the option to upload a manual LOA.

17. How do I know if my documents were already submitted to my provider?

An email notification will be sent stating that we have submitted the number transfer request. You may see the status of your request within the portal in the Number Transfer tab under Phone Numbers.

18. How do I cancel my number transfer request?

Send an email to [email protected], indicate your RingCentral phone number, the number transfer request you wish to be canceled, and your reason for canceling the request. 

19. I subscribed to a trial account with RingCentral but I want to port my number, is this possible?

In order for you to own a particular number, the first requirement is a paid subscription. We can only port telephone numbers to an active and paid RingCentral account. Please upgrade your account to paid status before you initiate the porting process.

20. How do I reach the Number Transfer Department (NTD)? 

The Number Transfer Department can be reached via email at [email protected]. NTD Hours of operation: Monday through Friday (7am-4pm PST).

21. What should I do if I ported my number but am not receiving calls? 

You may need to contact the previous carrier of the number(s) to remove the ported number from their database or switches. If all is fine with the previous carrier, you may call 888-898-4591 for further assistance.

Porting out from RingCentral

1. Can I port my number out from RingCentral?

Yes! You can port your number out to the carrier of your choice at any time. There are no restrictions or fees to do so.

2. Is there a fee to port my number out from RingCentral?

RingCentral does not charge a port out fee, however your new provider may charge a porting fee. You will still be responsible for paying for your monthly service until the number port completes.

3. Will my new carrier accept a phone number transferred from RingCentral?

The majority of carriers will accept phone number transfers from RingCentral. Some mobile carriers have policies that only allow them to port in Wireless phone numbers. RingCentral’s numbers are classified as Wireline and that classification cannot be modified by RingCentral. Please check with your new carrier first.

The majority of carriers will accept phone number transfers from RingCentral. Some mobile carriers have policies that only allow them to port in Wireless phone numbers. RingCentral’s numbers are classified as Wireline and that classification cannot be modified by RingCentral. Please check with your new carrier first.

4. Can I port out a number to any phone?

Cellular phones and VoIP can be used with any number. Landlines however, must be associated with an area code for the region it is in. For example, while you may use a California 951 area code for a cell phone or VOIP carrier in New York, you would need a local New York area code such as 646 for a landline.

Please note: Not every phone number in your area code will work at every address in your area code. This is true of all numbers in the country. If you move outside of your Rate Center, even your current landline number would not work at your new address. It has to do with the legacy telecom switch network. VOIP and wireless carriers are not bound by these restrictions. They use the internet and cell towers, respectively, independent of the telecom switch network

5. What is a rate center?

A rate center is a geographically specific area used to determine the boundaries for local calling, billing and assigning phone numbers. Typically, a call within a rate center is local, while a call from one rate center to another is a long-distance call. Rate center boundaries do not necessarily align with county or municipal boundaries.

6. Can I port my Toll-Free number to my wireless carrier for use on my cell phone?

No. Toll-free numbers cannot be ported to a wireless carrier. Toll-free numbers can only be ported to a landline or VoIP carrier.

7. How do I port a number out from RingCentral?

To transfer your US or Canada phone number(s) from RingCentral to another provider, you need to have a formal port-out request to be initiated by your new provider. The number(s) need to be active with RingCentral before you can make this request.

When requesting for a port out with your new carrier, you need the following information:

  • Company name
  • Service address
  • Authorized username (Super Admin)

Note: You need to provide this information to your new carrier exactly how it’s listed on your account. Please see additional Port Out information in the Port Out tab above.

8. Does RingCentral provide a Customer Service Record (CSR)?

Yes, navigate to Phone System > Phone Numbers > All Numbers. Click Download. Enter Email and click Send.

Please see additional Port Out information in the Port Out tab above.

9. How long does porting out take?

Port out timing depends on the carrier or service provider you are porting to. They all have different install Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Please consult with your new carrier.

10. I'm porting out. Why do I need to keep my account active?

The number will need to be in an active state during the port out process. Once the number has been ported away, you will need to contact RingCentral Support to cancel your service and avoid any further charges.

11. Can I cancel my port out order? 

Yes! RingCentral does not issue a cancellation order, this must be done by your new carrier.


ACCT Account or Account Number: a unique numeric or alpha-numeric identifier for an account
BBL Basic Business Line: provides a customer with a one or more analog, voice-grade telephonic communications channel that can be used to place or receive one call at a time.
BTN Billing Telephone Number: the main number on a customer's account
Carrier All entities that provide some form of telecommunication services (fixed and/or mobile; voice and/or data) as their primary business to consumers, enterprises, governments and other telecom service providers
CIF Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (Spain): the tax ID number that identifies a company or legal entity
CSR Customer Service Record (US): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
DDI Direct Inward Dial (Europe & Oceania): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
DID Direct Inward Dial (US & Canada): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
DOD Direct Outward Dial: a service of a local phone company (or local exchange carrier) that provides a block of telephone numbers for calling into a company's private branch exchange (PBX) system
eLOA Electronic Letter of Authorization: auto-filled LOA generated only in Admin Portal orders
FOC Firm Order Confirmation/Commit: a confirmation from a current service provider that the order to port a telephone number will be fulfilled and on a specified date
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: a technical standard and design philosophy for digital networks. ISDN provides high-speed, high-bandwidth channels to every subscribers on the public switched telephone network, achieving end-to-end digital functions with standard equipment interface devices
LAC Local Area Code (US & Canada): a 3-digit number that serves as the the identifier for a geographic region
LNP Local Number Portability: also known as number portability and number porting, enables end users to keep their telephone number when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.
LOA Letter of Authorization: a document or form that is exchanged between telecom companies, or between a customer and a telecom company, granting permission for the receiver to install telecom services for the sender
LOI Letter of Intent: a document outlining the general plans of an agreement between two or more parties before a legal agreement is finalized. A letter of intent is not a contract and cannot be legally enforced; however, it signifies a serious commitment from one involved party to another.
LSP/LCP Losing Service Provider/Losing Carrier Provider: the communications provider from whom the customer is transferring
LSR Local Service Request: the industry name for the order in which carriers submit to other carriers to initiate a port order of a single or multiple telephone numbers
MBN Main Billing Number: a telephone number on a customer's account which some providers use to as a way to easily identify an account.
NBN National Broadband Network (Australia): a national wholesale open-access data network which includes wired and radio communication components rolled out and operated by NBN Co, a Government-owned corporation
NTD Number Transfer Department
PBX Private Branch Exchange: a hardware system that handles routing and switching of calls between a business location and the telephone network
PIN Personal Identification Number: a numeric or alphanumeric string that is used to authenticate a person to a system
PON Purchase Order Number: a system generated order number assigned to port orders to easily identify individual requests
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service: old-fashioned copper wires connected to a standard telephone that provides the power and connectivity to the telephone service provider's central switching system
POV Pre-Order Validation: a request for information sent by the winning service provider to the the losing service provider in order to complete a porting request successfully
PRI Primary Rate Interface: an end-to-end, digital telecommunications connection that allows for 23 concurrent transmissions of voice, data, or video traffic between the network and the user
Provider Offers telecommunications services to customers typically governed by a service agreement
RFI Request For Information (Canada): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
RIO Code Carrier Identity Number (France): A unique three- or four-digit access identification code that is assigned for use with certain switched access services
Rollback/Snapback/Emergency Restore Moving a TN back to the customer's active carrier within 24 hours of the port activation into RC
SIRET The business registration number that serves as a geo-identifier for companies
Supplier Wholesaler Provider
TF Toll-Free: telephone numbers with distinct three-digit codes that can be dialed from landlines with no charge to the person placing the call
TN Telephone Number
VAT Value Added Tax ID
VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol: a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line
WTN Working Telephone Number: normally a subscriber's secondary line to the BTN

  • ACCT: Account or Account Number: a unique numeric or alpha-numeric identifier for an account
  • BBL: Basic Business Line: provides a customer with a one or more analog, voice-grade telephonic communications channel that can be used to place or receive one call at a time.
  • BTN: Billing Telephone Number: the main number on a customer's account
  • Carrier: All entities that provide some form of telecommunication services (fixed and/or mobile; voice and/or data) as their primary business to consumers, enterprises, governments and other telecom service providers
  • CIF: Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (Spain): the tax ID number that identifies a company or legal entity
  • CSR: Customer Service Record (US): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
  • DDI: Direct Inward Dial (Europe & Oceania): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
  • DID: Direct Inward Dial (US & Canada): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
  • DOD: Direct Outward Dial: a service of a local phone company (or local exchange carrier) that provides a block of telephone numbers for calling into a company's private branch exchange (PBX) system
  • eLOA: Electronic Letter of Authorization: auto-filled LOA generated only in Admin Portal orders
  • FOC: Firm Order Confirmation/Commit: a confirmation from a current service provider that the order to port a telephone number will be fulfilled and on a specified date
  • ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network: a technical standard and design philosophy for digital networks. ISDN provides high-speed, high-bandwidth channels to every subscribers on the public switched telephone network, achieving end-to-end digital functions with standard equipment interface devices
  • LAC: Local Area Code (US & Canada): a 3-digit number that serves as the the identifier for a geographic region
  • LNP: Local Number Portability: also known as number portability and number porting, enables end users to keep their telephone number when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.
  • LOA: Letter of Authorization: a document or form that is exchanged between telecom companies, or between a customer and a telecom company, granting permission for the receiver to install telecom services for the sender
  • LOI: Letter of Intent: a document outlining the general plans of an agreement between two or more parties before a legal agreement is finalized. A letter of intent is not a contract and cannot be legally enforced; however, it signifies a serious commitment from one involved party to another.
  • LSP/LCP: Losing Service Provider/Losing Carrier Provider: the communications provider from whom the customer is transferring
  • LSR: Local Service Request: the industry name for the order in which carriers submit to other carriers to initiate a port order of a single or multiple telephone numbers
  • MBN: Main Billing Number: a telephone number on a customer's account which some providers use to as a way to easily identify an account.
  • NBN: National Broadband Network (Australia): a national wholesale open-access data network which includes wired and radio communication components rolled out and operated by NBN Co, a Government-owned corporation
  • NTD: Number Transfer Department
  • PBX: Private Branch Exchange: a hardware system that handles routing and switching of calls between a business location and the telephone network
  • PIN: Personal Identification Number: a numeric or alphanumeric string that is used to authenticate a person to a system
  • PON: Purchase Order Number: a system generated order number assigned to port orders to easily identify individual requests
  • POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service: old-fashioned copper wires connected to a standard telephone that provides the power and connectivity to the telephone service provider's central switching system
  • POV: Pre-Order Validation: a request for information sent by the winning service provider to the the losing service provider in order to complete a porting request successfully
  • PRI: Primary Rate Interface: an end-to-end, digital telecommunications connection that allows for 23 concurrent transmissions of voice, data, or video traffic between the network and the user
  • Provider: Offers telecommunications services to customers typically governed by a service agreement
  • RFI: Request For Information (Canada): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
  • RIO: Code Carrier Identity Number (France): A unique three- or four-digit access identification code that is assigned for use with certain switched access services
  • Rollback/Snapback/Emergency Restore: Moving a TN back to the customer's active carrier within 24 hours of the port activation into RC
  • SIRET: The business registration number that serves as a geo-identifier for companies
  • Supplier: Wholesaler Provider
  • TF: Toll-Free: telephone numbers with distinct three-digit codes that can be dialed from landlines with no charge to the person placing the call
  • TN: Telephone Number
  • VAT: Value Added Tax ID
  • VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol: a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line
  • WTN: Working Telephone Number: normally a subscriber's secondary line to the BTN

Pagina inicial > Enviar o pedido de portabilidade

Enviar o pedido de portabilidade

Pretende transferir um número de telefone para a RingCentral? Aqui está um guia passo a passo para garantir que a portabilidade do seu número decorre sem problemas.

Visão geral
Passos para envio de um pedido local
Perguntas frequentes úteis

Visão geral

Está a transferir o seu número local de Portugal para a RingCentral? Siga estes passos para garantir que a portabilidade do seu número decorre sem problemas.

Se está a transferir mais de 100 números da mesma operadora, informe-nos aqui, pois ajudamos a efetuar a portabilidade baseada em projetos. O seu número tem de estar ativo junto do seu fornecedor de forma a ser transferido para a RingCentral. Pode cancelar o seu serviço telefónico após a conclusão da transferência.

O horário da portabilidade é de segunda a sexta-feira, das 08:00 às 11:00 GMT. Normalmente, este processo demora cerca de 30 a 60 dias úteis a ser concluído depois de enviar o pedido através da sua conta RingCentral. No entanto, o tempo pode depender do fornecedor de serviços atual ou da complexidade do pedido.

Precisa de ajuda?

O departamento de portabilidade pode ser contactado através do e-mail [email protected].

Passos para envio de um pedido local

Este artigo apresenta instruções sobre como transferir um número português para a RingCentral através da conta online.

  1. Inicie sessão como administrador na conta online.
  2. Na página inicial Acesso rápido, procure a categoria Números de telefone e clique na ligação Transferir números.
  3. É apresentada a caixa de diálogo Transferir números: selecionar tipo de número; selecione o tipo de número adequado.
Port Submission
  1. Selecione o País e o Tipo de número e clique em Seguinte. Dependendo do país, tem a opção de transferir um número geográfico, não geográfico ou gratuito.
Number Type
  1. Introduza o seu fornecedor de serviços atual e o respetivo endereço (opcional) e clique em Seguinte.
Number Transfer Path
  1. Responda às perguntas de Pré-verificação em conformidade e clique em Seguinte

    Nota: se selecionar uma opção que possa impedir o pedido de portabilidade, será apresentado um aviso a amarelo sob a pergunta com informação adicional. Se for vermelho, o sistema não permitirá que o agente/cliente prossiga com o pedido de portabilidade.
Number Transfer Pre-Check
  1. Se estiver a transferir um número geográfico, introduza o seu Número de telefone de faturação (BTN). Este é o número principal da conta com o seu fornecedor atual. Se pretender transferir este número, marque a caixa de verificação Pretendo efetuar a portabilidade do meu número de telefone de faturação

    Nota: depois de introduzir o seu número de telefone de faturação (BTN) e de marcar a caixa de transferência do BTN (como na imagem abaixo), é apresentada uma janela de pop-up com todos os números introduzidos para o pedido de portabilidade. Deixe a caixa desmarcada se não pretender transferir o BTN. Todavia, a caixa abaixo do campo BTN temde ter números adicionais.
Enter Numbers

IMPORTANTE: ao efetuar a portabilidade de vários números geográficos, certifique-se de que os números têm a mesma localização e fornecedor de serviços.

  1. Quando o número é considerado portável, é apresentada uma janela de confirmação. Clique em Seguinte.
Number Review
  1. Anote os detalhes relativos à duração do processo de portabilidade do número e clique em Seguinte.
Number Mapping
  1. Se tiver um número temporário ativo na conta RingCentral que deva ser substituído pelo número que está a transferir, clique em Selecionar e selecione o número temporário na lista. Se pretender adicionar o número transferido como um número adicional à sua conta (os detalhes da taxa serão apresentados no ecrã seguinte), clique em Seguinte.
Account information
  1. Introduza todas as informações exatamente como estão no registo do seu fornecedor de serviços atual. Se necessário, contacte o fornecedor atual para garantir que as informações estão corretas. Para efetuar correções, clique no botão Anterior. Caso contrário, clique em Seguinte.
  • Nome  — Nome da empresa e da pessoa autorizada a efetuar alterações na conta
  • Serviço — Local onde os números estão ativos
  • Outros — Informações de contacto e número de IVA/NIF/Siret/Rio (se aplicável por país)
    • Código de migração — Em alguns países, é necessário obter um código de migração junto do fornecedor atual antes de pedir a portabilidade do número. Caso não tenha a certeza sobre se este é necessário, deixe o campo vazio.
Transfer Date
Transfer Date

IMPORTANTE: verifique as informações que forneceu. Estas têm de corresponder às informações na fatura mais recente da operadora de serviços telefónicos da qual está a transferir o número gratuito. Informações incorretas resultarão num atraso substancial e/ou rejeição da portabilidade do número.

  1. Na secção Comentários adicionais, introduza detalhes adicionais no espaço fornecido, como a data que prefere para a realização da portabilidade (sem garantia). Se a portabilidade não incluir todos os números de telefone do mesmo número de conta de faturação, indique os números de telefone restantes e a ação a executar para cada um (manter, desligar, etc.).

    Na secção Enviar e-mails para, introduza o endereço de e-mail para o qual pretende que todos os e-mails de notificação de portabilidade sejam enviados (opcional). Se deixar este campo em branco, todos os e-mails de notificação serão enviados para o administrador de sistema. Clique em Seguinte.
Additional comments and email
  1. Clique em Concluir
Bill Copy Upload
  1. A nossa equipa de portabilidade irá enviar o seu pedido de transferência ao seu fornecedor de serviços atual. Quando o pedido estiver concluído, receberá um e-mail a informar que enviámos o pedido de portabilidade. 
  2. Após concluir o pedido online, pode ver o estado do mesmo em Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Pedidos de transferência
Letter of Authorization (LOA)
  1. Clique no pedido na página Transferidos e personalizados para carregar a LOA e outros documentos adicionais necessários.
Order confirmation

Se o pedido for rejeitado, tal será apresentado na secção Detalhes do pedido. As instruções sobre como resolver o problema ficarão disponíveis nesta secção e serão enviadas por e-mail. 

Pode enviar a LOA e outros documentos necessários específicos do país por e-mail para [email protected].


Faremos chamadas de teste para verificar se as chamadas estão a ser encaminhadas para a rede RingCentral. Quando as chamadas forem corretamente encaminhadas através da RingCentral, receberá uma notificação por e-mail a confirmar que a portabilidade dos números foi concluída com sucesso. Caso se trate de uma portabilidade baseada em projetos, será contactado diretamente por um agente por telefone ou e-mail.


Este artigo apresenta os vários motivos pelos quais o pedido de portabilidade foi rejeitado pela sua operadora.

Depois de enviar um pedido de portabilidade, o seu fornecedor de serviços atual pode demorar alguns dias a responder ao pedido. Dependendo das informações fornecidas, pode aceitar ou rejeitar o pedido. Seguem-se os vários motivos pelos quais a sua operadora pode rejeitar o seu pedido de portabilidade e as respetivas ações que pode executar para resolver a situação.

Rejeitado devido a distribuição

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado por existir uma funcionalidade de "Distribuição/Grupo de busca" ativada na sua conta da operadora atual. Remova esta funcionalidade e volte a enviar o seu pedido de portabilidade.

Distribuição de linhas ou grupo de busca é um método de distribuição de chamadas telefónicas de um único número de telefone para um grupo de várias linhas telefónicas. Concretamente, refere-se ao processo ou algoritmo utilizado para selecionar a linha que receberá a chamada.

Os grupos de busca são suportados por alguns sistemas telefónicos PBX. Além disso, algumas operadoras disponibilizam esta funcionalidade por uma pequena taxa (consulte também: Centrex). Nas tarifas de algumas operadoras, a distribuição é gratuita, mas o reencaminhamento quando ocupado é um serviço pago.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Selecione o pedido de portabilidade > clique em Enviar.

Rejeitado devido a Centrex

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado por existir uma funcionalidade "Centrex" ativada na sua conta da operadora atual. Remova esta funcionalidade e volte a enviar o seu pedido de portabilidade.

Centrex é um serviço semelhante ao PBX em que a comutação é efetuada no escritório central e não nas instalações do cliente. Normalmente, a operadora possui e gere todos os equipamentos e software de comunicação necessários para implementar o serviço Centrex e, em seguida, vende vários serviços ao cliente.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Selecione o pedido de portabilidade > clique em Enviar

Rejeitado devido a portabilidade parcial

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado por existirem várias linhas associadas à sua conta do fornecedor de serviços. 

A portabilidade parcial NÃO é suportada em Portugal.

NOTA: a portabilidade parcial é quando o seu fornecedor exige o endereçamento das linhas/números e serviços (serviço de dados/T1 ) restantes.

Rejeitado devido a RingMaster/Toque característico

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado por existir uma funcionalidade "Ring Master" ativada na sua conta da operadora atual. Remova esta funcionalidade e volte a enviar o seu pedido de portabilidade.

O toque característico, comercializado com vários nomes, é um serviço oferecido por uma operadora que implementa números de telefone adicionais na mesma linha de um número existente, em que cada número tem um tipo de toque característico. Normalmente, o número original tem o toque padrão comum do país onde a linha está ligada. Independentemente do tipo de toque que o recetor da chamada ouve, o autor da chamada ouve o tipo de toque padrão.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Selecione o pedido de portabilidade > clique em Enviar

Rejeitado devido a pedido múltiplo ou pendente

Um pedido pendente/em aberto é um pedido em curso associado ao número a ser transferido ou à conta que não foi lançado, concluído ou cancelado. 

Pode ser devido ao seguinte:

  • Pedido de portabilidade em curso a ser enviado para outro fornecedor
  • Alteração/atualização de registos (endereço, nome da empresa, nome autorizado)
  • Mudança de serviço para uma versão atualizada/anterior
  • Funcionalidade de conta adicionada/removida

Entre em contacto com o seu fornecedor de serviços para cancelar ou concluir o pedido em aberto. Pergunte quando será lançado no sistema antes de voltar a efetuar o pedido de portabilidade. 

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Selecione o pedido de portabilidade > clique em Enviar

Rejeitado devido a incompatibilidade de número

A incompatibilidade de número pode significar o seguinte:

  • Um ou mais números da lista não correspondem à sua lista de fornecedores.
  • O número foi introduzido incorretamente
  • O número pertence a uma conta diferente

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços ou verifique a cópia da fatura atual e valide o seguinte:

  • Tenho a lista correta de números?
  • O número do telefone de faturação ou o número da conta está correto?

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Selecione o pedido de portabilidade > clique em Enviar

Pode enviar-nos um e-mail para [email protected].

Rejeitado devido a nome de empresa incorreto

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado por o nome do titular da conta (nome da empresa para contas comerciais) não corresponder ao nome fornecido.

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços ou verifique a cópia da fatura atual e confirme se o pedido contém o nome da empresa correto. Edite o pedido, introduza o nome correto no campo destacado e, em seguida, clique no botão "Enviar" para reenviar o seu pedido de portabilidade.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar > Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

Rejeitado devido a documento ilegível ou incompleto

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado pelo facto de a Carta de autorização anexada não estar assinada, preenchida ou a escrita ser ilegível. 

Transfira a LOA da sua conta, preencha-a, assine-a e carregue-a para que o pedido de portabilidade possa ser reenviado.

Para reenviar: Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Carregar LOA 

Rejeitado devido a nome/signatário não autorizado

Não foi possível concluir o seu pedido de portabilidade porque a pessoa indicada no pedido não tem autorização para iniciar uma portabilidade de número junto do seu fornecedor de serviços atual. 

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços e valide o nome indicado no respetivo sistema para efetuar alterações. Se o nome for diferente do que consta do pedido original,

  • Número local: Editar pedido > Insira o nome da pessoa autorizada no campo destacado > Clique em Enviar.
  • Número gratuito: é necessário uma Carta de Agência assinada atualizada

Rejeitado por não ter LOA ou cópia da fatura (COB) anexada

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado pelo facto de o seu fornecedor de serviços atual exigir que seja anexada uma LOA e uma cópia recente da sua fatura. Carregue uma LOA devidamente preenchida e uma cópia recente da sua fatura, que não tenha mais de 45 dias.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Carregar CoB e Carregar LOA

Rejeitado devido a PIN incorreto ou o PIN é obrigatório

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o PIN que indicou não corresponde ao número em arquivo do seu fornecedor de serviços atual ou porque não indicou um PIN. 

PIN (Número de Identificação Pessoal): pode obter este número junto do seu fornecedor de serviços. Isto é obrigatório se estiver a transferir números de telemóvel. O PIN também pode ser o código de acesso à sua conta ou a palavra-passe que configurou junto do seu fornecedor. 

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços e confirme se tem o PIN, o código de acesso ou a palavra-passe corretos. Recomendamos vivamente a configuração de um novo PIN (apenas para números de telemóvel) se receber este tipo de rejeição.

Verifique o número PIN associado ao número que está a transferir, edite o pedido e introduza o número no campo destacado. 

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar > Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

Rejeitado devido a número de conta incorreto ou número de conta obrigatório 

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o número de conta que indicou não corresponde ao número em arquivo do seu fornecedor de serviços atual ou porque não indicou um número de conta. 

O número de conta é o número de referência do serviço que recebe do fornecedor. Isto é obrigatório se estiver a transferir números de telemóvel. Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços ou verifique a cópia da fatura e confirme se tem o número de conta correto.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

Rejeitado devido a congelamento de conta

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o seu fornecedor de serviços atual bloqueou a capacidade de transferência do seu número. O congelamento tem de ser removido da sua conta para que o seu pedido de portabilidade seja concluído. 

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços para resolver o problema.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique na caixa "Confirmo a resolução do congelamento" > Clique em Enviar

Rejeitado devido a incompatibilidade de endereço

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o endereço de serviço que indicou não corresponde ao endereço em arquivo do seu fornecedor de serviços atual. 

Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços e verifique o endereço existente em arquivo. O endereço necessário corresponde ao estado e cidade onde o número está efetivamente localizado, já que a portabilidade é baseada no indicativo de zona geográfica.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar > Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

Rejeitado devido a linha desligada

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o número foi desligado no seu fornecedor de serviços. O número tem de permanecer ativo durante o processo de portabilidade, para que o seu pedido de portabilidade possa ser concluído.

Motivo para este tipo de rejeição:

  • Um ou mais números a transferir estão desligados ou foi emitido um pedido para desligar
  • Um ou mais números a transferir não estão atribuídos ou não é possível localizá-los nos registos de faturação do fornecedor.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique na caixa "Confirmo a resolução do congelamento" > Clique em Enviar

Como resolver:

  • Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços e reponha o número no estado ativo e operacional.
  • Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços e verifique se o número está contemplado na sua conta.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique na caixa "A conta foi reativada." > Clique em Enviar

Rejeitado devido a número de telefone de faturação (BTN) incorreto

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o número de telefone de faturação que indicou não corresponde ao número em arquivo do seu fornecedor de serviços atual. Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços ou consulte a cópia da fatura e confirme se tem o BTN correto.

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar > Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

NOTA: se o BTN inicial fornecido estiver incorreto, informe-nos enviando um e-mail para [email protected].

Rejeitado devido a nome de revendedor incorreto

Um pedido de portabilidade pode ser rejeitado porque o seu fornecedor de serviços atual tem um revendedor em arquivo que não estava indicado no seu pedido. Contacte o seu fornecedor de serviços atual para obter o nome do revendedor do qual o fornecedor de serviços recebeu o número. Pode também consultar a cópia da fatura e verificar se o nome do fornecedor está correto.

NOTA: isto é necessário para números locais do Canadá. 

Para reiniciar o seu pedido de portabilidade, aceda a Portal do administrador > Sistema telefónico > Números de telefone > Transferidos e personalizados > Clique nos três pontos junto ao botão Transferir LOA > Clique em Editar > Edite as informações necessárias > Clique em Seguinte até concluir o Assistente de edição

Rejeição devido a problemas de sistema

O pedido de portabilidade foi rejeitado porque ocorreu um problema entre os sistemas (operadora para operadora). Não é necessária qualquer ação da sua parte, pois o problema será tratado pela nossa equipa de processamento, que entrará em contacto consigo se forem necessárias informações adicionais.

Se receber este aviso, tenha presente que o processo pode demorar mais do que o normal (mais 5 dias úteis).

Rejeição devido a pedido complexo

O pedido de portabilidade foi rejeitado pelo seu fornecedor de serviços atual. O seu pedido requer processamento manual devido à complexidade do sistema ao qual o número está associado.

Não é necessária qualquer ação da sua parte, pois o problema será tratado pela nossa equipa de processamento, que entrará em contacto consigo se forem necessárias informações adicionais. 

Se receber este aviso, tenha presente que o processo pode demorar mais do que o normal (mais 10 dias úteis).

Perguntas frequentes úteis

Pretende transferir um número de telefone para a RingCentral? Aqui está um guia passo a passo para garantir que a portabilidade do seu número decorre sem problemas.

Portabilidade interna

Portabilidade externa


Portabilidade para a RingCentral

1. O que significa "transferir o meu número"?

A "Portabilidade" consiste em transferir o seu número de telefone da rede fixa ou de telemóvel de um fornecedor de serviços telefónicos para outro.

2. A quem pertence o meu número de telefone?

O telefone pertence-lhe a si! Nós simplesmente cuidamos dele. Transferimos o seu número do seu fornecedor atual e mantemo-lo. Segundo as regras de portabilidade de números locais (LNP) da ANACOM, na maioria dos casos, pode manter o seu número quando sai ou muda de empresa de telecomunicações. 

3. Existe uma taxa de portabilidade?

O custo de negociar a transferência do seu número da operadora atual é suportado pela RingCentral.

4. Que números podem ser transferidos para a RingCentral?

Podemos transferir a maioria dos números de telefone locais (geográficos/fixos/com fios) em Portugal. Neste momento, os números de telefone grátis não são suportados em Portugal.

* Sujeito a alterações.

5. Quanto tempo demora a portabilidade?

A portabilidade no espaço EMEA demora mais de 30 dias úteis. Não se preocupe, vamos mantê-lo atualizado durante todo o processo de portabilidade e informá-lo-emos assim que tivermos acordado uma data de portabilidade concreta com a sua operadora atual. Vai querer iniciar a portabilidade antes de cancelar a sua conta para não atrasar o processo.

6. Que informações são necessárias para transferir o meu número?

As informações necessárias para transferir o seu número serão recolhidas durante a criação do pedido. Essas informações incluem: o número que está a transferir, o número da conta e o PIN/código de acesso (se aplicável para a transferência de números de telemóvel) e o seu endereço (sem apartados). Geográficos 

Certifique-se de que as informações fornecidas durante a inscrição correspondem às informações que o seu fornecedor atual dispõe. Quaisquer discrepâncias podem atrasar o processo de portabilidade do número, incluindo o cancelamento da conta. 

* Lembre-se de que o seu fornecedor antigo pode exigir que seja transferido todo o intervalo/bloco de números. Não é uma prática padrão uma operadora fornecer serviço para um único número no espaço EMEA.

7. Quando devo cancelar o meu serviço atual?

Deve manter o serviço do seu fornecedor atual durante todo o processo de portabilidade. A RingCentral notifica-o assim que o número for corretamente transferido para que possa então cancelar o serviço com o seu fornecedor atual. A RingCentral não cancela o serviço em seu nome.

8. A RingCentral cancela o meu serviço anterior após a portabilidade?

Não. A RingCentral não cancela o seu serviço anterior. Terá de cancelar o serviço anterior após a transferência do número. A transferência do número de telefone pode levar ao cancelamento automático por parte da sua operadora. Confirme junto da sua operadora atual.

9. O meu serviço atual continuará a funcionar durante o processo de portabilidade?

O seu serviço atual funcionará da mesma forma durante o processo de portabilidade, desde que não faça quaisquer alterações à conta. Após a transferência do número para a RingCentral, o seu antigo serviço deixará de funcionar. Poderá ter de contactar o fornecedor antigo para cancelar a conta.

10. Posso transferir vários números para a RingCentral ou efetuar uma portabilidade em massa? 

Pode iniciar a transferência dos números que desejar dentro da sua conta. Se pretender transferir mais de 100 números da mesma operadora para a RingCentral num pedido, informe-nos aqui, pois efetuamos portabilidade baseada em projetos.

11. Como posso verificar o estado da minha portabilidade atual?

Depois de concluir o seu pedido online, poderá ver o respetivo estado no separador Transferido em Números de telefone.

12. Como posso saber se há algum problema com a portabilidade?

Se houver informações incompatíveis, estas serão indicadas na secção de detalhes do pedido do seu portal se o pedido tiver sido enviado no mesmo. As instruções sobre o problema e como o resolver ficarão disponíveis nesta secção e serão enviadas por e-mail para o ponto de contacto indicado durante o envio.

Se tiver enviado um projeto de portabilidade, os detalhes serão enviados por e-mail para o ponto de contacto.

13. Quando é que o meu número vai ser transferido?

A RingCentral enviará uma notificação por e-mail assim que a data de libertação do seu fornecedor atual for recebida.

14. Quando é que o meu número pode ser ativado depois de concluída a transferência?

Receberá uma notificação por e-mail quando a portabilidade for confirmada, que também incluirá informações detalhadas, como a data/hora da transferência. As ativações ocorrem de segunda a sexta-feira.

15. Que carta é que a RingCentral vai utilizar para transferir o meu número de telefone do meu fornecedor de serviços atual?

Quando envia um pedido de portabilidade na sua conta online, a RingCentral utiliza uma Carta de Autorização (LOA).

16. Como posso saber se os meus documentos já foram enviados ao meu fornecedor?

Receberá uma notificação por e-mail a informar que o seu pedido de portabilidade foi enviado. Depois de concluir o seu pedido online, poderá ver o respetivo estado no separador Transferido em Números de telefone.

17. Como posso cancelar o meu pedido de portabilidade?

Envie um e-mail para [email protected], indique o seu número de telefone RingCentral, o pedido de portabilidade que pretende cancelar e o motivo do cancelamento.

18. Subscrevi uma conta de avaliação junto da RingCentral, mas quero migrar o meu número. É possível?

Para poder ter um número específico, o primeiro requisito é uma subscrição paga. Só podemos transferir números de telefone para uma conta RingCentral paga. Atualize a sua conta para o estado pago antes de iniciar o processo de portabilidade.

19. Como posso entrar em contacto com o departamento de portabilidade (NTD)? 

O departamento de portabilidade pode ser contactado através do e-mail [email protected]. Aguarde uma resposta no prazo de 24 horas úteis.

20. O que devo fazer se tiver transferido o meu número, mas não receber chamadas? 

Poderá ter de entrar em contacto com a sua operadora anterior para retirar o número transferido da base de dados ou dos comutadores. Se estiver tudo bem com a operadora anterior, pode ligar para o +61 180 093 5915 para obter mais assistência.

Portabilidade para fora da RingCentral

1. Posso transferir o meu número da RingCentral?

Sim! Pode transferir o seu número para uma operadora à sua escolha a qualquer momento. A transferência não está sujeita a restrições ou taxas.

2. Existe uma taxa para transferir o meu número da RingCentral?

A RingCentral não cobra uma taxa de portabilidade para uma operadora externa. O seu novo fornecedor poderá cobrar uma taxa de portabilidade. Continuará a ser responsável pelo pagamento do serviço mensal até que a portabilidade esteja concluída.

3. A minha nova operadora vai aceitar um número de telefone transferido da RingCentral?

A maioria das operadoras aceita transferências de números de telefone da RingCentral. Algumas operadoras móveis têm políticas que permitem apenas a portabilidade de números de telefone “sem fios”. Os números da RingCentral estão classificados como “wireline” e essa classificação não pode ser modificada pela RingCentral. Confirme junto da sua nova operadora primeiro.

4. Como transfiro um número para fora da RingCentral?

Quando transfere um número para outra operadora, a sua conta RingCentral terá as informações de que necessita para transferir o número de telefone para a nova operadora. Estas informações encontram-se nos separadores Faturação e Pagamento da sua conta online RingCentral. Vai precisar de fornecer estas informações da conta à nova operadora para que lhe possa prestar o serviço.

5. Quanto tempo demora a portabilidade externa?

O tempo de portabilidade depende da operadora ou do fornecedor de serviços para o qual o número está a ser transferido. Todos têm diferentes Contratos de Nível de Serviço (SLA) de instalação. Consulte a sua nova operadora.

6. No caso da portabilidade externa, porque é que preciso de manter a minha conta ativa?

O número tem de estar num estado ativo durante o processo de portabilidade. Após a transferência do número, tem de contactar a Assistência RingCentral para cancelar o serviço e evitar cobranças adicionais.

7. Posso cancelar o meu pedido de portabilidade externa? 

Sim! A RingCentral não emite um pedido de cancelamento; isso tem de ser efetuado pela nova operadora.


ACCT Account or Account Number: a unique numeric or alpha-numeric identifier for an account
BBL Basic Business Line: provides a customer with a one or more analog, voice-grade telephonic communications channel that can be used to place or receive one call at a time.
BTN Billing Telephone Number: the main number on a customer's account
Carrier All entities that provide some form of telecommunication services (fixed and/or mobile; voice and/or data) as their primary business to consumers, enterprises, governments and other telecom service providers
CIF Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (Spain): the tax ID number that identifies a company or legal entity
CSR Customer Service Record (US): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
DDI Direct Inward Dial (Europe & Oceania): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
DID Direct Inward Dial (US & Canada): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
DOD Direct Outward Dial: a service of a local phone company (or local exchange carrier) that provides a block of telephone numbers for calling into a company's private branch exchange (PBX) system
eLOA Electronic Letter of Authorization: auto-filled LOA generated only in Admin Portal orders
FOC Firm Order Confirmation/Commit: a confirmation from a current service provider that the order to port a telephone number will be fulfilled and on a specified date
GSP/GCP Gaining Service Provider/Gaining Communications Provider: the communications provider to whom the customer is transferring
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: a technical standard and design philosophy for digital networks. ISDN provides high-speed, high-bandwidth channels to every subscribers on the public switched telephone network, achieving end-to-end digital functions with standard equipment interface devices
LAC Local Area Code (US & Canada): a 3-digit number that serves as the the identifier for a geographic region
LNP Local Number Portability: also known as number portability and number porting, enables end users to keep their telephone number when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.
LOA Letter of Authorization: a document or form that is exchanged between telecom companies, or between a customer and a telecom company, granting permission for the receiver to install telecom services for the sender
LOI Letter of Intent: a document outlining the general plans of an agreement between two or more parties before a legal agreement is finalized. A letter of intent is not a contract and cannot be legally enforced; however, it signifies a serious commitment from one involved party to another.
LSP/LCP Losing Service Provider/Losing Communications Provider: the communications provider from whom the customer is transferring
LSR Local Service Request: the industry name for the order in which carriers submit to other carriers to initiate a port order of a single or multiple telephone numbers
MBN Main Billing Number: a telephone number on a customer's account which some providers use to as a way to easily identify an account.
NBN National Broadband Network (Australia): a national wholesale open-access data network which includes wired and radio communication components rolled out and operated by NBN Co, a Government-owned corporation
NTD Number Transfer Department
PBX Private Branch Exchange: a hardware system that handles routing and switching of calls between a business location and the telephone network
PIN Personal Identification Number: a numeric or alphanumeric string that is used to authenticate a person to a system
PON Purchase Order Number: a system generated order number assigned to port orders to easily identify individual requests
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service: old-fashioned copper wires connected to a standard telephone that provides the power and connectivity to the telephone service provider's central switching system
POV Pre-Order Validation: a request for information sent by the winning service provider to the the losing service provider in order to complete a porting request successfully
PRI Primary Rate Interface: an end-to-end, digital telecommunications connection that allows for 23 concurrent transmissions of voice, data, or video traffic between the network and the user
Provider Offers telecommunications services to customers typically governed by a service agreement
RFI Request For Information (Canada): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
RH Range Holder: the communications provider who has been allocated a range of numbers that includes the number to be ported.
RIO Code Carrier Identity Number (France): A unique three- or four-digit access identification code that is assigned for use with certain switched access services
Rollback/Snapback/Emergency Restore Moving a TN back to the customer's active carrier within 24 hours of the port activation into RC
SIRET The business registration number that serves as a geo-identifier for companies
Supplier Wholesaler Provider
TF Toll-Free: telephone numbers with distinct three-digit codes that can be dialed from landlines with no charge to the person placing the call
TN Telephone Number
VAT Value Added Tax ID
VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol: a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line
WTN Working Telephone Number: normally a subscriber's secondary line to the BTN

  • ACCT: Account or Account Number: a unique numeric or alpha-numeric identifier for an account
  • BBL: Basic Business Line: provides a customer with a one or more analog, voice-grade telephonic communications channel that can be used to place or receive one call at a time.
  • BTN: Billing Telephone Number: the main number on a customer's account
  • Carrier: All entities that provide some form of telecommunication services (fixed and/or mobile; voice and/or data) as their primary business to consumers, enterprises, governments and other telecom service providers
  • CIF: Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (Spain): the tax ID number that identifies a company or legal entity
  • CSR: Customer Service Record (US): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
  • DDI: Direct Inward Dial (Europe & Oceania): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
  • DID: Direct Inward Dial (US & Canada): a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension
  • DOD: Direct Outward Dial: a service of a local phone company (or local exchange carrier) that provides a block of telephone numbers for calling into a company's private branch exchange (PBX) system
  • eLOA: Electronic Letter of Authorization: auto-filled LOA generated only in Admin Portal orders
  • FOC: Firm Order Confirmation/Commit: a confirmation from a current service provider that the order to port a telephone number will be fulfilled and on a specified date
  • ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network: a technical standard and design philosophy for digital networks. ISDN provides high-speed, high-bandwidth channels to every subscribers on the public switched telephone network, achieving end-to-end digital functions with standard equipment interface devices
  • LAC: Local Area Code (US & Canada): a 3-digit number that serves as the the identifier for a geographic region
  • LNP: Local Number Portability: also known as number portability and number porting, enables end users to keep their telephone number when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.
  • LOA: Letter of Authorization: a document or form that is exchanged between telecom companies, or between a customer and a telecom company, granting permission for the receiver to install telecom services for the sender
  • LOI: Letter of Intent: a document outlining the general plans of an agreement between two or more parties before a legal agreement is finalized. A letter of intent is not a contract and cannot be legally enforced; however, it signifies a serious commitment from one involved party to another.
  • LSP/LCP: Losing Service Provider/Losing Carrier Provider: the communications provider from whom the customer is transferring
  • LSR: Local Service Request: the industry name for the order in which carriers submit to other carriers to initiate a port order of a single or multiple telephone numbers
  • MBN: Main Billing Number: a telephone number on a customer's account which some providers use to as a way to easily identify an account.
  • NBN: National Broadband Network (Australia): a national wholesale open-access data network which includes wired and radio communication components rolled out and operated by NBN Co, a Government-owned corporation
  • NTD: Number Transfer Department
  • PBX: Private Branch Exchange: a hardware system that handles routing and switching of calls between a business location and the telephone network
  • PIN: Personal Identification Number: a numeric or alphanumeric string that is used to authenticate a person to a system
  • PON: Purchase Order Number: a system generated order number assigned to port orders to easily identify individual requests
  • POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service: old-fashioned copper wires connected to a standard telephone that provides the power and connectivity to the telephone service provider's central switching system
  • POV: Pre-Order Validation: a request for information sent by the winning service provider to the the losing service provider in order to complete a porting request successfully
  • PRI: Primary Rate Interface: an end-to-end, digital telecommunications connection that allows for 23 concurrent transmissions of voice, data, or video traffic between the network and the user
  • Provider: Offers telecommunications services to customers typically governed by a service agreement
  • RFI: Request For Information (Canada): a document detailing all the legal ownership attributes of a phone number which includes items such as account number and service address
  • RIO: Code Carrier Identity Number (France): A unique three- or four-digit access identification code that is assigned for use with certain switched access services
  • Rollback/Snapback/Emergency Restore: Moving a TN back to the customer's active carrier within 24 hours of the port activation into RC
  • SIRET: The business registration number that serves as a geo-identifier for companies
  • Supplier: Wholesaler Provider
  • TF: Toll-Free: telephone numbers with distinct three-digit codes that can be dialed from landlines with no charge to the person placing the call
  • TN: Telephone Number
  • VAT: Value Added Tax ID
  • VoIP Voice Over Internet Protocol: a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line
  • WTN: Working Telephone Number: normally a subscriber's secondary line to the BTN
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