Attention: The security certificate on some deskphones expired on August 16, 2024. RingCentral updated them, but if your phone isn’t working, it may be because the update failed. To get your phone working again, you’ll need to factory reset it and set it up again.
Highlights > July 2023
Release Notes

July 2023 Release Highlights


RingCentral MVP Core, Version 23.2.4 (Release date: June 29 through July 21, 2023)

  • Bug fixes

RingCentral MVP Core, Version 23.2.5 (Release date: July 12 through July 31, 2023)

  • Bug fixes


RingCentral Rooms, Version 23.3.10 (Release date: July 20, 2023)

  • Detect echo leak in Rooms: Rooms now is able to detect the echo leak within its system and prompt notification for users both in the room and online, same as mobile and desktop users. 
  • Breakout Room: Timer: Rooms Users can have a visible countdown so they can understand how many minutes are left before breakout room will be closed and wrap up the discussion. And also, they can be notified when only X sec left before breakout room will be closed.
  • Share audio and video via HDMI sharing: Rooms can choose manual or automatic HDMI sharing mode on controller, Room can share both laptop screen content and laptop audio content.
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